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Separated Offices

Separated Offices
Separated Offices

To help you with the planning, we have anticipated your own creative desires and developed modular space modules.


the cube
The cube is a self-contained, freestanding space module with a wide variety of flooring, wall and ceiling panel options – either as a fixed unit or as the mobile OfficeBox on wheels.


the spatial structure
The space-defining, open-space structure is freestanding and allows open-plan office landscapes to be divided into variable function zones. The basic structure may be fitted with solid or fabric wall and ceiling panels offering varying degrees of transparency and sound-absorbency.


the screen
Firmly secured to the building, the space-dividing screen is a rigged panel that stretches from floor to ceiling. The degree of optical and acoustic separation depends on the type of wall panel selected.


For more information please download the presentation.

Separated Offices
Separated Offices