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Burkhardt Leitner Constructiv - Stuttgart
Design: Burkhardt Leitner Constructiv, Stuttgart
System: pon office pila office 
Location & Date: Stuttgart
Size: 1000m2

"Furniture defines itself by its space"

The new office furniture system, derived from the successful spatial system pon, is marked by a completely redesigned connector – reduced, refined, smoothed. Combined with the connecting tubes and pieces of the spatial system, individual furniture elements or complete furnishing systems can be created – cabinets, sideboards, shelves and counters, fitted with a vast range of doors, drawers, tables or compartments, and with a wide range of wall fillers too, made of glass, fabric or metal. The large axis dimensions of 700 to 1200mm impart a visual calmness. The high degree of modularity allows the units to be easily constructed, dismantled, taken apart and reconstructed in new combinations every time. The systemic approach makes possible a standardized appearance in the office, from furniture units to room partitions or closed-off conference and office cubes. pon office – a furniture element that evolves from space to space.