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Gétaz Romang SA - Sweden
Design: m design mijat, Andreas Messerli AG
System: pila petite 
Location & Date: Sweden
Size: 3800m2

One of the leading Swiss companies selling products used in building, Gétaz Romang, has created a range of kitchens and bathrooms in realistic sizes in an exhibition which is unique in Europe. 

The new showroom, which was opened in July 2009, is unique in Europe regarding its design and presentation. Unlike traditional showrooms, kitchens and bathrooms are exhibited in 30 single boxes on wheels with sizes between 9 and 36 m² .

The walk-in boxes, which were realized using the architectural system pila petite, are open on one or two sides and give the visitor the feeling of a new kitchen or bathroom. In other words: After entering the box, you find yourself in your future rooms.